Benefit of Treadmill Workouts In Your Training Plan

Let’s face it – marathon and 1/2 marathon training isn’t for the faint of heart. It requires time, dedication, willpower, family and peer support, and the right training tools to help you reach your goal on race day. Your running toolbox may have everything from a water belt to a running watch to lucky shoelaces and your power music mix. Throughout your training journey these resources support you each time you hit the pavement or the trail.

But what happens on those days when you can’t hit the road? How can training indoors on a treadmill not only facilitate your daily miles, but strategically enhance your running performance?

Here are a few benefits of adding treadmill training to your toolbox:

• Reinforce Your Pace: Set your speed and the belt holds you accountable to keeping up with a consistent pace. Whether you’re a beginner who is just learning how to establish a reasonable pace, or an experienced athlete looking to push a new pace, the treadmill can be an excellent tool to incorporate into your pre-race training toolbox.

• Get Faster: Preset interval training workouts, included in all of our treadmill models, help improve physical and mental endurance, lactate threshold, running speed and lower body strength.

• Strengthen Your Legs: Incline training will help to strengthen your legs and glutes muscles, and prepares you for a hilly run ahead. Especially if you live in the flats, pushing your incline on a treadmill can help simulate race day conditions on varied terrain.

• Push Your Speed: Decline training increases turnover and prepares your quadriceps for the demands of downhill running. If you’re new to decline training, start with short intervals to allow your body to gradually adapt to this type of stress.

• No Excuses: Pouring rain? Steaming sidewalks? Blizzard conditions? Forget about it! Regardless of the weather, you can get a safe and reliable workout every time when training indoors on a treadmill.

• Ease Up on the Joints: Pounding the pavement can take a toll on your body. Give yourself a break by integrating treadmill workouts that feature Precor’s patented Integrated Footplant and Ground Effects Technologies that provide an intuitive running surface with a cushioned impact and a firm push off with every stride.




TRM 445 0.5 – 12 mph 2% decline – 15% incline 23 + 16 exerciser created

TRM 425 0.5 – 12 mph 2% decline – 15% incline 10

TRM 243 0.5 – 12 mph 0% – 15% incline 23 + 16 exerciser created

TRM 223 0.5 – 12 mph 0% – 15% incline 10

TRM 9.35 0.5 – 12 mph 2% decline – 15% incline 21 + 2 exerciser created

TRM 9.31 0.5 – 12 mph 0% – 15% incline 8